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Resilience in children (and adults) is often considered – a protective factor, inherent to the individual – a biologically fixed trait or characteristic – an attribute we either possess or don’t. This webinar will challenge this common assumption – and instead define resilience as a developmental capacity or byproduct of our earliest relationships. Using this developmental perspective we will then discuss how home visitors promote and enhance resilience in both children and parents.

Presented by:

Mark Harmon, LICSW, IMH-E (IV) and Carol Siegel, PhD, LP, IMH-E (IV)

Parents who struggle with chemical health issues and/or mental illness, like other parents, want what is best for their children. Presenters will discuss strategies for having the challenging conversations to acknowledge these concerns in the context of home visiting.

Presented by: Michele Fallon

Adverse Childhood Experiences have a long term impact on people's physical and mental health. How can home visitors use the results of the ACE study in the context of their work with families? This presentation will summarize the ACE study and introduce concrete strategies to use in home visits with families with young children.

Presented by: Michele Fallon and Jane Ellison

Presenters will share lessons learned working with Immigrant and Refugee community members and multi-cultural home visitors. Voices from Latino, Somali, Sudanese, and other African parents will be included.

Presented by: Carol Siegel and Jane Ellison

Many home visitors are challenged by difficult interactions between parents and young children in the home. Parents scream, children may bite, home visitors may feel like getting a new job. This webinar will help home visitors prepare for and mange those difficult interactions: We will discuss strategies to help facilitate parent's understanding of their children's behaviors as well as strategies to help home visitors respond to difficult interactions in the moment. While we know that there is no one solution for every difficulty, we can reflect ON action so that reflecting IN action can become more effective.

Presented by: Carol Siegel and Michele Fallon

The Home Visitor plays a fascinating role in the lives of the families they work with. The role has no set definition, as it is different from any other relationship both the family and home visitor have with other people in their lives.  While some relationships are more “typical” and “straight-forward” with the role the HV plays, the responsibilities and expectations change dramatically when environmental issues affect how the family behaves in the relationship, specifically when the family is homeless. While there are countless factors that make the HV/family relationship “successful” or not, there are strategies to address some of the most common harmful experiences, in regards to the relationship, the HV might encounter while working with a homeless family. This presentation will discuss different thoughts on what a “successful” HV/family relationship may look like, and offer ideas to effectively address some of the harmful experiences the HV may come across, so that we may increase attendance with families and establish our role as being one part of a fulfilling, positive and consistent relationship the family has, that both the family and home visitor can benefit from.

Presented by: Carol Siegel and Andrea Fruetel

Homelessness touches the lives of thousands of children in Minnesota. The Wilder Research Center’s 2012 one-night homeless survey found that homeless children with their parents now make up about one-third of the homeless population. Half of these children are under age 6. 

Young children are especially hard hit by homelessness. We know children who are homeless or who have experienced the trauma of homelessness are at greater risk for poor social, emotional, and cognitive developmental outcomes, likely to be unprepared for kindergarten and at risk for school failure. 

Efforts to serve homeless families are complicated by the difficulty of Identifying, locating and engaging homeless parents with young children. In this workshop participants will consider barriers to seeing homeless children in their community, strategies to increase and/or improve outreach to homeless families and strategies to maintain connection with families experiencing homelessness.

Presented by: Carol Siegel and Sharon Henry-Blythe

In trauma-informed care, we pay attention to the stress continuum and the level of stress that children and families are experiencing. This training will discuss how long-term exposure to stress affects the brain, children’s development, and implications for parenting. We will also discuss the effects on home visitors’ health as well!

Presented by: Carol Siegel and Scott Harman

University of New Mexico's Home Visiting Articles

Short articles written to address specific issues related to home visiting. They are designed for use by home visiting managers and staff as a jumping off point for discussion and the integration of learning


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